Intervention Stages


1. INITIAL PHONE CONSULTATION: Family member/s make initial contact with the interventionist. Interventionist performs an initial assessment and decides whether or not an intervention is warranted.

2.  PLANNING MEETING: A confidential meeting is arranged with the intervention specialist during which you are able to discuss the history of the person who needs the intervention as well as the circumstances in which it will take place. In addition, the interventionist and family leader will decide who will take part in the intervention and when it will take place.

3. PRE-INTERVENTION (Intervention roles and responsibilities meeting): This is the Pre-Intervention. Before the actual intervention occurs, the interventionist will meet with the family members and friends to go over each person’s role in the intervention. The interventionist will discuss the importance of boundaries and the consequences for the substance abuser if he/she does not follow through with the intervention. Further, details on how to write effective letters for the substance abuser will be provided.

4. INTERVENTION: This is the actual intervention meeting. The intervention specialist guides the family through the intervention. Often times it is best for the intervention to take place somewhere that is unfamiliar to the individual. Because the situation will already cause discomfort, our intervention specialist will provide an appropriate and comfortable location.

5.  POST-INTERVENTION: After the intervention has taken place, the interventionist will continue to stay in contact with the family and the chemically dependent person. We will provide support and additional services if needed.


BE AWARE OF ENABLING: What is enabling? Enabling is consistently doing for another person what they could and should be doing for themselves. Rescuing is not allowing the addicted person to experience the consequences of their addiction and actions. Without guidance and direction it is easy to keep repeating this pattern.

Much has been said about allowing a person to “hit bottom.” An addicted person is on an elevator going down to the basement. Sadly, riding on this elevator with them is the people who they love and who love them the most. We know that through education, treatment and help, everyone can get off on whatever floor they find themselves. Often, the family member needs to get off first. This can result in the addicted loved one following them into recovery.